(17/100) salted caramel brownie recipe

Gooey and intense, yet light enough to have you going back for another; this is our recipe for our famous salted caramel chocolate brownies. The secret is in the very small amount of flour and to make sure they are pulled from the oven while still a bit wobbly. ⁣

⁣Salted caramel is a luxury addition, but they can be made without it too... ⁣

⁣MAKES 12⁣

⁣250g dark chocolate (at least 53.7% - we like @callebautchocolate or @greenandblacks) ⁣
⁣4 free-range eggs⁣
⁣325g caster sugar⁣
⁣Pinch of salt⁣
⁣170g plain flour⁣
⁣250g unsalted butter⁣
⁣40g cocoa powder (unsweetened)⁣

⁣Cream together the sugar, eggs and salt in a large bowl.⁣

⁣Melt the butter, dark chocolate and cocoa powder. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the egg mix. (Ensure the chocolate mixture is not too hot when it goes into the egg mix).⁣

⁣Add the flour and mix until just combined.⁣

⁣Pour into a non-stick 23 x 28 cm (9 x 11 inches) tray and bake at 160c for 22 minutes (check at 20) and pull out when wobbly⁣.

⁣90ml double cream⁣
⁣15g butter⁣
⁣1/4 teaspoon vanilla⁣
⁣1/4 teaspoon Sea salt flakes⁣
⁣80g golden syrup⁣
⁣100g caster sugar⁣

⁣Bring the cream, vanilla and salt to almost a boil. Remove from heat and cover to stay warm.⁣

⁣In a pot, boil the sugar and golden syrup to 145c. Turn the heat down and add the cream mix. Be careful as it will let off a lot of steam and bubble up.⁣

⁣Stir to combine everything and remove the lumps.⁣

⁣Turn the heat back up and continue to cook until it reaches 116c. Remove from heat and stir the butter through the mix.⁣

⁣Transfer to a container and allow to cool before using. Any remaining caramel can be stored in the fridge for up to a month.⁣

⁣Pour 1/4 of the brownie mix in the tray & drizzle over with 100g of salted caramel. Pour the remaining brownie mix on top the caramel. Smooth the top with a pallet knife & knock the tray to get rid of excess air bubbles. Bake at 160c for 22 minutes (check at 20) and pull out when wobbly.


(16/100) eat street/kerb
